My approach to therapy is grounded on core values that have served me for a lifetime.
Finding a language for our needs and our deep hurts was a revelation for me in my own life, and it has been for my clients, too. Learning how to have the difficult conversations with others - and within oneself! - is transformative. And a very big relief!!
The Relational psychotherapy I practice offers tools to help us understand the needs we bring to our relationships, and the issues that emerge as we engage with others on more than a surface level. It’s very optimistic, but not naive about just how painful relationships can be. And how hard these conversations are to have.
Another core value is staying honest and open to a deeper experiencing of the realities we encounter. My daily practice of mindfulness meditation has helped me stay more open, curious and brave. Because this practice brings the mind back home to the body, it prepared me to undertake advanced clinical training in trauma treatment and somatic therapies and to offer them to my clients: sensorimotor processing, mindfulness-based stress reduction and trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy.
Therapy will increase your understanding of yourself and others, and it will give you robust skills in working productively with your own difficult emotions, such as fear, anger, grief and longing. The therapy relationship will be an energized relationship that makes you feel more alive and empowered, and yet safer in the world and in your own skin.